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Mohamed Musamin S/O Abdul Barakath


Training Facilitator


  • WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA)

  • WSQ Advanced Certificate in Workplace Safety & Health

Trained in the Following Courses:

Basic Licensing Units

  1. Recognise Terrorist Threat

  2. Provide Guard and Patrol Services

  3. Handle Security and Incidents Service

Senior Security Courses

  1. Deterrence: Manage Disorderly Conduct & Threatening Behaviour (MDCTB)

  2. Access Control Management: Operate Basic Security Equipment (OBSE)

Senior Security Courses

  1. Guard and Patrol: Supervise Security Officers (SSOC)

  2. Capability Development: Induct Security Personnel (ISP)

  3. Security Risk Analysis: Assess and Address Security Risks (AASR)

  4. Security Operation Comploance: Perform Supervisory Duties within Legal Framework (PSDLF)

Senior Security Supervisor Courses

  1. Manpower Planning: Monitor and Review Security Operations (MRSO)

Elective Modules

  1. Deterrence: Perform Security Duties at Protected Areas and Protected Places (Classroom and Asynchronous) (PAPP)

  2. Security Screening Management: Conduct Security Screening of Person and Bag (CSSPB)

  3. CERT First Aid Course


  • NTC in Electrical Technology


  • Joined Metropolis Training Academy as Training Facilitator

  • 8 years as a Freelance WSQ Security Trainer


  • Handled projects as technician for Telecommunications such as CCTV, PAGA and LAN/WAN, ENTERTRAINMENT, VSAT, Weather Monitoring and other systems.

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